
연중무휴 365일 진료


  • 올리몰스
  • 의료진 소개
백진엽 외과과장
  • 2019

    전북대학교 수의과대학 졸업

  • 2024

    전북대학교 수의과대학 수의외과학 석사 졸업


  • 2019

    대한민국 육군(3군단, 육군부사관학교) 수의장교

  • 2022

    전북대학교 동물의료센터 외과 진료수의사

  • 2022

    전북대학교 소동물임상평생교육원(SASEC) – ‘DFO course’ Table Instructor

  • 2023

    AO VET NA Course - Principles in Small Animal Fracture Management (Columbus, Ohio, USA) 수료

  • 2023

    University of Missouri Veterinary Health Center – Small Animal Hospital Visiting Observer (Columbia, Missouri, USA)

  • 2023

    ESVOT(유럽수의정형학회) - Complication in traumatology (Venice, Italy) 수료

  • 2023

    Tendon & Ligament repair with NOVALIG® and interference screws (Venice, Italy) 수료

  • 2024

    전북대학교 소동물임상평생교육원(SASEC) – ‘복강경 Course’ Table Instructor

  • 2024

    전북대학교 소동물임상평생교육원(SASEC) – ‘관절경/TPLO Workshop’ Table Instructor

  • 2024

    전주 올리몰스동물메디컬센터 외과 과장


  • 2022

    한국임상수의학회 발표: Surgical Treatment of Systemic Hypotension induced by a Pheochromocytoma Compressing the adjacent Caudal Vena Cava in a Cat

  • 2023

    한국임상수의학회 발표: Evaluation of Semi-Cylindrical Recession Trochleoplasty using Three-dimensionally printed Patient Specific Saw Guide for Medial Patellar Luxation in Small Dogs

  • 2023

    한국임상수의학회 발표: Multiple Myeloma Diagnosis in a Dog: Emphasizing the Role of Immunohistochemical Staining

  • 2023

    ESVOT(유럽수의정형학회) 발표: Reconstruction of Non-union Femur Fracture using Patient Specific Titanium Bio-scaffold with rh-BMP and Double Plate in a Dog

  • 2024

    omparative analysis of cryotherapy modalities using muscle tissue temperature measurement: Cold pack, Cold compression, and Hyperbaric gaseous cryotherapy

  • 2024

    Evaluation of a Novel Percutaneous Pinning Guide for Femoral Head or Neck Fracture: A Cadaveric Study